The New Deco Marketplace

Don Slesnick III

tech-gadgetsWe love our gadgets at DecoNetworks; always certain to take great care of them. In our line of work, we have to buy some great tech-tools (some might call them tech toys) to help us best serve our clients while fulfilling various business demands. When it comes time to replace these items, it is often our friends, family, and clients that come out the big winners, being able to get their hands on these things at a fraction of the cost.

What was accomplished through simple word-of-mouth or an occasional e-mail, we thought it was time to add a bit more formality to our marketplace. Be sure to visit regularly as you might just find something you need or have wanted for a fantastic price.

Finally, it is important to share that, in our efforts to be environmentally friendly,  to be conscious of those in need or with less, we try our best to recycle and re-purpose older equipment collected from others, and will offer them in our market at a price that simply covers our cost.

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